Weight Gains and Blood Tests

22nd June

Finally! I have received a letter from Dr Das at KGH requesting bloods. I have booked an appointment with the nurse at my GP surgery on Monday 25th to have them done.

I haven't weighed myself in a while and I know I am putting on weight as my clothes are getting tighter. 
I was shocked to find I weigh 9st 12lb.  I have put on 9lb since February! I need to do something about that!

25th June

It is HOT today!!

Had my bloods taken at the doctors by a nurse I've never met before. She wasn't very talkative but was nice enough.  No bruises this time either. 

26th June

I received an appointment in the post for my scan today - 11th July 2018.I'm really nervous and hope that Paul has the day off to come with me. He usually has two days off in the week.

 I wish I knew what all the technial terms mean that i'm being tested for. I've read a few blogs and people always know what their viral load is, and what genotype of Hep C they have, but I've never been told!  Maybe because the blogs I've read are usually by people who live in the USA and their healthcare is different to ours in the UK.  Here the doctor types everything into a computer but we never get to see it!


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